Tuesday 26 May 2015

times tables master

In maths we have been learning the 4, 6 & 7 timestables. Here is my Tablesmaster score for today.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Creative Paragraphs- Man In Space

This week we have been learning to rework our writing to make our paragraphs interesting for our audience. We started by writing a creative sentence about this picture. As a class we will choose Nate's sentence because we liked it the best and wrote a paragraph each to follow the chosen sentence. Here is the beginning of my story that starts with Nate's sentence.

A spaceman bravely walks out into the icy space over to the milky way. He thinks about how a milky way is a chocolate bar and a portal too. The stars surround the portal in the milky way waiting to transport him to Fairytale Land.

The spaceman safely went through portal to Fairytale Land. He noticed something weird around him. The portal took him on a mission to save a princess. The spaceman didn’t know what kind of princess it was. He didn’t want to do the mission but he did it anyway.

Man in space.jpg

Wednesday 6 May 2015

All About Technology

In Reading we have been learning about technology. I found out technology is when you have a problem and you try to think of something to fix it. My presentation is all about technology.