Thursday, 19 November 2015

athletics day

Friday the 13th of November was athletics day, the day I forgot my clothes for athletics. Once I was at school I didn’t even know it was athletics that day. Then I thought that TE AURERE would win but we didn’t. I will tell you who won at the end.

Later that day the whole school had a meeting at the courts and then it was all about the stuff about athletics. After the meeting the year 5 boys first event was relays and then it was shot put. I wasn't good at it, but my favorite event was high jump and I still suck at it. And then I had to go to the little high jump and do you know what? I still sucked at it a lot. Then the year 5 boys did sprints and man I suck at running and I always came 5th. Even though I came 5th I didn’t get to do the final sprint race.       

My favorite event was discus that one I wasn’t bad at. I was actually pretty good at it. I think that I got past the last line. I think that I did so don’t mock me because I didn’t past the third line. But the events keeped on getting harder and harder. And there was another event that was great one for me it was the soft ball throw I got it really far.

Finally the big race had started it was the same place where sprints were. Te Aurere for red, Hikianalia for yellow, Hinemona for blue and hokule’a for green. BANG it started everyone went sprinting after the race te aurere lost and hinemona won it was just because this tall girl dropped the baton. After athletics I felt like my head fell off when te aurere lost.

Camouflaged Creatures

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

polar bear facts

magic man

1,000,00 years ago on a nice day I was at rainbows end I had $100 so I went on the rollercoaster. Then a evil man called Magic man came. He looked like a hairy beast on his broom. With his magic powers he turned the rollercoaster into a chinese train then the magic man put the train in tokyo. And then I was like ching chong wa. Then they were like hello and then I just said it again.  When he came i farted and bomded the train. And magic man came back and killed me. And then I went up to heven and all you could see was just green clouds. 
the end

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Thursday, 15 October 2015

happy holidays

The last day of term 3 was my happy day because the next day was the holidays. When it was the holiday all I did was eat, drink and sleep because it was what I wanted to do. I ask my aunty to take me and my cuzins to the pools on the 5th day of the holidays. The holidays is the best holidays of school.

After the pools we went to Mcdonald's after that I went home and eat, drink and sleep. The next day was another happy holiday. That day we went to my nans grave after that we went to a nearby park to forget the thing that she has done for a I did not even get to meet her. After that we went to get some chips and went home.

The next day I got up at 8 o’clock in the morning and got dressed and went to the shops to get some breakfast. For breakfast I a had pie and a big bowl of rice bubbles. After that I eat, drink and sleep when I woke up I had to went with my Mum far away with her friend.

The thing that I liked about the holidays was eating, drinking and sleeping. And also going far away I like the holidays.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

the bull chase

one cloudy afternoon a man was walking along the beach suddenly out of nowhere bull came the man felt scared and also surprised. after that he thinked that the bull was scared of the water so he jumped in the water but it didn't work also then he felt scared.  

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

What is a fraction?


In Maths we have been learning about fractions. Here is my presentation showing what I know about fractions. Please share with me the fractions you know.

plane crash

WALT: Use adverbs to make our writing exciting.

One day there were 9 men running away from a plane. The plane came from the sky and then it crashed down to the ground. I was watching from the side. The blade from the plane almost cut me. In front of the plane were the 9 men.  
When they looked up into the sky the 9 men     noticed the plane coming towards them. Once it hit the ground it went sliding towards them. While the 9 men were running away the plane was blowing the sand and making the men trip over. When the plane stopped sliding the 9 men took a break and went to see who was flying the plane. In the plane was a dead man shot but when the one of the 9 men went to go see if he was still alive he was. But he died. the End.

Monday, 3 August 2015

Seeds for Birds

This week we have been reading about Seeds for birds. In the story there are some boys that go with a ranger to collect seeds. They take them to school and grow them to sell at their school market.
Here is my presentation all about seeds for birds.

Monday, 20 July 2015

my 5 times tables

Immersion assembly word Cloud

This week I am writing a recount a about ( our Immersion assembly )( my holidays ). Here are my ideas that will be writing about.

Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Create & solve a problem

With Mrs J we have been learning to write a word problem from a number problem. Here is my problem and how I worked it out.

Monday, 15 June 2015


In maths we have been learning the 4, 6 & 7 timestables. Here is my Tablesmaster score for today.


In maths we have been learning the 4, 6,7 & 8 timestables. Here is my Tablesmaster score for today.

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Describing My Animal

Today in writing Miss Kyee was teaching us about adjectives. An adjective is a describing word. Here are my sentences with 6 adjectives in them. I have highlighted the adjectives.

Jun 11, 2015 1:43:58 PM.jpg

This dangerous  puma is so black you can’t see him at night accept the glow of his yellowish eyes. Do not carry raw meat around in your bag on your extreme adventure or look out! The puma can smell from over a mile away. You can never here the fast puma come running towards you on his small padded feet.  

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

A letter to Dad

Walt: -make connections from texts to our own experiences          -write a letter to a family member

We have been learning in reading how to write a letter. The story Summing up Dad was about a dad that wrote a letter to his kids and got them ready for school in an adventurous way.

This is a letter to my dad about what we want to be.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015


This week we were reading about Superbikes. I made this as to fundraise for a School Camp. It tells you some information about the Honda CB750.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

times tables master

In maths we have been learning the 4, 6 & 7 timestables. Here is my Tablesmaster score for today.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Creative Paragraphs- Man In Space

This week we have been learning to rework our writing to make our paragraphs interesting for our audience. We started by writing a creative sentence about this picture. As a class we will choose Nate's sentence because we liked it the best and wrote a paragraph each to follow the chosen sentence. Here is the beginning of my story that starts with Nate's sentence.

A spaceman bravely walks out into the icy space over to the milky way. He thinks about how a milky way is a chocolate bar and a portal too. The stars surround the portal in the milky way waiting to transport him to Fairytale Land.

The spaceman safely went through portal to Fairytale Land. He noticed something weird around him. The portal took him on a mission to save a princess. The spaceman didn’t know what kind of princess it was. He didn’t want to do the mission but he did it anyway.

Man in space.jpg

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

All About Technology

In Reading we have been learning about technology. I found out technology is when you have a problem and you try to think of something to fix it. My presentation is all about technology.

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Holiday Highlight recount

On the holiday me and my cousins and aunty went to the movie’s. We went shopping first before we were going to see the movie’s.

We were going to see the spongebob movie. Once we were dun shopping we went in were it showed the movie. It took long just for the movie to start.

It took whole minute for the movie to start. There was somach adds and there was somach people too. when it started it was dumb but then it went good and then beter.

After that then we went back home to my aunty. It didn't take that long driving back home. then me and my cousin Henare played around in his room we played with his lego. But then we had to kilen up.     

Tuesday, 31 March 2015


Easter Eggs
Ancient Egyptians and Persians thought that the whole world was hatched out of a egg. They decorated eggs so they represented knew life.  

Easter Sunday
Christians believe that jesus died to save them. Jesus died on Easter Friday. Then he came back to life on Easter Sunday.

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Omaru creek voice over

Next to pt england there is a creek. Omaru creek there is so much rubbish. I can see rubbish bags, cans, bottles and more.

Omaru creek is pt england creek. If you can see trees that is good. do you got a creek next to your school.

The trees are great so they don’t kill the ells and the fish. The creek needs to be healthy and clean. So the creek is not oily and dirty.

The trees are great so they don’t kill the ells and the fish.The trees are great so they don’t kill the ells and the fish.  

The creek needs to be healthy and clean. So the creek is not oily and dirty. All of the kids should not drop rubbish. And if you do then don’t. That is bad for the creek.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

lenard yr 5 & 6 camp

Between Wednesday and Friday it was yr 5 & 6 camp. We were sleeping in a tent at Pt England School. We got to do activities they really fun. They were kayaking, cooking, top town, the amazing race and roller blading.

My favorite activity was the amazing race and kayaking. they were the best games that I liked. Also I like cooking we made pancakes with cron in it. It was so fun and I wonder if it will be the same.On Thursday we had the yr 5 and yr 6 teams performing. My team was Matapono e. 

I thought that my team was the best! We were dancing to uptown funk. Miss Lavakula’s team was good and great, they won the dance competition. And there song was that they were dance kung fu fighting. I don't no if it was cool? and there dance?  

On Friday the yr 5 and 6 even the teacher went to mangere pools. Once we were inside the pools it looked so fun. But the first thing that we had to do. was to sit down in our team. I wish that all of as could stay. Un tell we all want to go home.

My favourite part of camp was sleeping in the tent. My buddy was Jonathan fifita he was the best buddy! and I am wondering that who is my buddy next year! And also I am wondering what tent I will be in?

The same colour or different! I enjoyed seeing who is in my group. And I no that we are not having camp at school. We are going some were else.         

Monday, 23 February 2015

Use your WITS!

What are WITS and how can they help you?
Your WITS are Walk away, Talk about it, Ignore it, and Seek help.
They help you to be a friend and keep you out of trouble so you don’t become a bully.

The W is for walk away. When somebody is annoying you by pushing you around you have to walk far away.  when you can not see them you are safe.  do not become a bully and do not play with one.    

If a bully is saying bad stuff you need to Ignore it and tell the teacher

Talk about it means if someone is bullying you or saying mean things about you then you have to go to a teacher and tell them about it.

Seek help means if you were playing during lunchtime and someone comes over you and ruins your game then you have to find a teacher and ask them for help.

Use your wits because it will help you in life. and it will also help bullies too.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Holiday Highlight

On the Holidays me and my dad and also my mum went to see my Nana. 
It was a very long drive it took as 3 hours to get there. 
When we got there I saw her she was happy when she saw us. When we went inside she made some food. Then we all went to sleep. 
When I woke up I forgot where I was. Sooner than later we went to the beach. 
My Nana did not want to come in the water with us. After that we went to the shops to get some food. It was really really nice. 
I loved seeing my Nana.
I hope you come and visit my blog bye.